
Remembering a Trailblazer

Geraldine Ferraro's accomplishments inspired many and paved the way for women in politics. I remember following the '84 campaign as a grade-schooler. A female vice-president! Of course. Naturally. Women are human, humans need sharp, ethical, well-educated, determined representation, and Ms. Ferraro was just that. Growing up in an environment where to be female (and anything but patriarch, it turns out) was to be second-class, I was rather star-struck by Ms. Ferraro. She was my first role-model: a strong, intelligent, decent, no-nonsense, independent and accomplished woman with a great sense of humor. 

We remember Geraldine Ferraro, who passed away just a few days ago after battling cancer. Here are a few interesting excerpts from the New York edition of New York Times yesterday:
"All of us thought new thoughts and imagined new possibilities because of Gerry.” - H. Clinton
During a vice-presidential debate, “George Bush offered to explain to her foreign policy,” [Walter] Mondale recalled. “Every day, she was patronized in a way not experienced by male candidates. If they ever make another movie about true grit, it should be about Gerry.”
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright recalled “those huge crowds of mothers and fathers who held up their daughters to see her” on the ’84 campaign trail.
Ms. Ferraro’s candidacy “took down the men-only sign at the White House,” said Senator Barbara Mikulski...“Gerry was a force of nature, a powerhouse. She did change the way we women thought about ourselves in American politics.”
There were two women in the Senate when Ms. Ferraro became the vice-presidential candidate, Mr. Mondale said; there are 17 now [of 100], along with 77 in the House [of 435], 6 governors and 1,700 state legislators.
Ms. Ferraro and Mr. Zaccaro renewed their vows after 50 years of what several speakers described as an unusually strong bond. “It was their relationship that showed us the true meaning of marriage,” said Ms. Ferraro’s son, John Zaccaro Jr.
“By her words and actions, she was our model for how to live in the world,” said Donna Zaccaro Ullman, Ms. Ferraro’s eldest child.
“In their homes tonight,” former President Bill Clinton said, “there are children — little girls and also little boys — who will be just a little closer to having their shot at Gerry Ferraro’s dream because she lived.”
What a legacy. 
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